4 Ways Businesses Can Support Charities

Supporting charities brings many benefits that go beyond that feel-good factor.
For example – working with charities can create team building opportunities, strike up new partnerships, enhance corporate identity and boost staff morale – to name just a few!
Whether it is for the above reasons or not, companies big and small have the power to make a real difference.
It may sound like a big task – but nowadays it is easier than ever to support charities in a variety of ways! With plenty of tried and tested methods, you can trust us at Mango to advise on some of the best ways your business can be more charitable!
Think Outside the (Donation) Box
If there’s anything we’ve learned over the years, it is that gone are the days where you can rely on donation boxes being scattered around the office!
While they are still handy to have, these days, businesses and individuals alike need to think bigger and quirkier in order to spark interest.
It’s the creative fundraising ideas that stick in people’s minds: they build anticipation and make lasting memories for those taking part.
But where to start? Inspiration can be found everywhere and anywhere – especially online! In a world of crowdfunding and viral challenges, social media in particular is an ever-evolving hub of creative ideas. But it all comes down to choosing the best fit for your company or charity.
At Mango, we’ve done everything you can think of! From marathons, mud runs, baking competitions, fancy dress days, challenges, jumble sales, charity shop runs with our company van, and so much more!

Get Staff Members Involved
If you want to know what will get people excited and engaged, the simple thing to do is ask them directly!
If you give everyone a chance to nominate (either by online survey or pieces of paper in a hat – whatever’s easiest!) then you know you’ll be supporting a charity that’s close to your employees’ hearts.
You can also create a charity committee within your company, where staff members can collaborate to come up with fresh ideas and encourage others to take part in fundraising activities. This helps to spread responsibility and get more people ramped up!
Here at Mango, we have a dedicated Employee Engagement group who meet every month to discuss and plan activities, with a charity focus always at the forefront of everything we do!

Consider The Time of Year
Approaching things from a seasonal perspective can really help with planning, as well as prioritising certain charities and events that align with your company’s values.
What’s handy is that if you research online, you’ll find that almost every month has a charitable focus. To help you get started, we’ve listed a few events that happen each month of the year – but be sure to check in with your favourite charities on what their plans are!
- January: Dry January, Love Your Liver Month, Cervical Cancer Prevention Week
- February: National Heart Month, World Cancer Day, Time to Talk Day, Rare Disease Day
- March: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, International Day of Happiness
- April: Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, Stress Awareness Month, MS Awareness Week
- May: Action on Stroke Month, National Walking Month, Deaf Awareness Week, Mental Health Awareness Week
- June: Carers Week, Men’s Health Week, Cervical Screening Week, Diabetes Week, Breathe Easy Week
- July: 24/7 Samaritans (The Big Listen), World Hepatitis Day
- August: Cycle to Work Day
- September: Urology Awareness Month, Migraine Awareness Week, World Suicide Prevention Day, National Fitness Day
- October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month, National Cholesterol Month, Dyslexia Awareness Week, World Mental Health Day
- November: National Stress Awareness Week, World Diabetes Day, World COPD Day, Movember
- December: World AIDS Day, International Day of Persons with Disability
PS – you can find lots more through useful sites such as Awareness Days and many more!
Most Importantly, Have Fun!
We understand that supporting charities is serious business. But, the best way to get people involved and invested is by making the journey as fun as possible!
Think about it – the wackier the idea – the more people will ask questions. The more conversations you have with people about your plans, the more you can spread the word and entice people to partake.
As we mentioned before, charity events are a brilliant way to get teams from other departments mingling and bonding. So the more effort you put in, the better it is for everyone involved.

What’s Next for Mango?
On Thursday 25th May, our very own Team Leader Operator Sheila and her sister Keaver will be shaving their heads and donating their hair “to bring a smile to a child with a simple gesture that we take for granted every day”.
To support them, we will also be hosting a few challenges and activities, such as:
- A #OneChipChilliChallenge, to see who out of our volunteers can handle the hotness!
- A sponsored wax and shave
- A fancy-dress team walk from Holywood to Bangor
If you wish to/are able to donate, you can do so via our Facebook Fundraiser.
Other Ways You Can Support Charities
For more advice on ways you can support charities, talk to Mango today or check out our socials to see what we get up to:
- Facebook – @mangodirect
- Instagram – @mango_direct_marketing
- TikTok – @mangodirectmarketing
- Twitter – @mangodm
- LinkedIn – Mango Direct Marketing Ltd