Let’s Talk
Whether you want to fully outsource your customer contact on a large scale, or perhaps you need a helping hand with ad-hoc support, we would love to chat more about how Mango Direct Marketing can help.
+44 (0) 28 9147 5200
Mango, 1 Balloo Court, Bangor, BT19 7AT
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Local attractions
We are very proud of our little corner of Bangor, Northern Ireland! The seaside is right on our doorstep, on the sunny (sometimes!) south side of Belfast Lough.
Once named the most desirable place to live in Northern Ireland, its brimming with sites and places to explore – from Bangor Castle, to the marina. We really are spoilt! We are sorry if you don’t live here! But if you come visit us, there is plenty to see and do. For some travel inspo, check out these sites:
North Down Tourism
Discover Northern Ireland
Travel and transport +